Monday, August 6, 2012

it's not goodbye!

It's not goodbye - just, "see you later!"

As you can probably imagine, we spend a lot of time planning for our time with the LEAF interns.  What tasks do we think they can handle?  How do we divide the work up?  Where do we do it?  What about the weather?  Do we have the tools?  Where should they stay?  What extracurricular things can we do?  We spend a lot of time looking at work plans and spreadsheets, making sure that we've figured out exactly how we're going to shape their experience here in New Hampshire.

I, for one, never gave a thought to how they may shape mine.

Jessica has such a silent stealth about her - you can almost see the cogwheels turning in her head as she contemplates the task at hand.  Being the youngest of the group and from a different school, she tended to be the quietest - for a short while.  But quiet never meant disengaged.  On the contrary, Jessica would soak up everything around her - all the information she could - and then blindside you with an idea or talent. She's a whiz with tools and really showed her stuff building a bridge in Sheldrick Forest.  During an exercise with me developing interpretive signage, she quietly sketched out her ideas on paper while the rest of us spoke aloud a list of thoughts.  Samantha happened to look down at Jessica's doodling hand and say "Hey!  Jess has it all figured out!" And indeed she had.  In that moment she reminded me a lot of myself at that age, and I felt so much excitement for her knowing that she'd grow up to do great things.

Samantha is a born leader.  I adore that she oozes a sense of self-confidence that isn't overbearing.  She knows what she loves and what she wants.  Her sense of humor is wildly intact and she loves to chat about anything and everything.  Although this is her second year as a LEAF intern (spending last year in New Jersey), I think that didn't take away from the awe and magic she felt being here.  Every experience - from eating at the Buck Rub Cafe in Pittsburg to exploring Plymouth State with the Master Key - she retells with energy and excitement.  Sam will make an incredible scientist one day, and one that TNC would be foolish not to hire.  I just hope she invites me to visit in Hawai'i when she's doing her volcano research. =)

Daniela melts my heart.  She clearly absorbed every experience she had here and incorporated it into her sense of self.  She is extremely thoughtful about every situation.  Ask her a question, and her answer will always come so beautifully constructed with thought and emotion.  It's that emotional range, and her fearlessness to show it, that really caught me by the heartstrings.  I could tell that New Hampshire had moved her in such a profound way.  You could watch the changes in her happen right before your eyes.  It has been incredibly rewarding to watch.  Daniela has a bit of an old soul in her, which she couples will a fabulous sense of humor.  She spent much of last night's farewell dinner fighting back the tears.  When you ask her what the hardest part of being in New Hampshire has been, she'll say one word: "leaving".

Sharon is the light that shines over the whole group.  Her happiness is downright infectious.  Every single moment of every single day is a marvel.  She has an unstoppable determination.  Sharon will never be a person who says "I can't".  I don't think it's in her blood.  She will try nearly anything.  Before New Hampshire, Sharon had never been in a kayak.  We plopped her in a boat, handed her a PFD and a paddle and let her have at it.  That girl is a natural.  She piloted that kayak like she'd done it for years.  Sure, she plowed into Daniela and Jessica's canoe a few times, but that's power for the course. =)  When building the bridge at Sheldrick, she aced figuring out how to cut the angular boards.  Not figuring it out wasn't ever an option for her.  Sharon's love for life and family inspires me.  She's one of those people that you just want to be around.  She lifts the room.  And the best part? She's just so darn humble about it.  Just watch out if you're ever out to dinner with her. This gal loves the spice.  Don't believe me?

Do you see how much red pepper she's putting on that slice of pizza?  The one that already had jalapeno peppers on it?  She actually unscrewed the cap on the red pepper to dump it on top.  I bow to her taste buds.

Sara is such a marvelous mentor.  She advises and encourages in such an inviting and engaging way.  She is able to be a dear friend to each intern but still maintain her authority as the leader.  She's thoughtful and kind in every task, truly diving in right alongside the interns.  Having been a mentor to a crew in New Hampshire in 2010 really helped her to be comfortable with the land and the work to be done.  I think that Sara was just as surprised with how these interns shaped her as well.  Speaking with her, I could understand that this experience has truly changed and inspired her.  We cross our fingers that Sara will return next year with our new crop of LEAFers.

Some of the TNC staff took the interns to a farewell the night before their departure. We spent hours laughing and telling stories of our adventures.  Tears were shed across the table as we realized this would be that last time - at least for a little while - that'd we'd all be together like this.  But we knew we'd see each other again.  Maybe that time will be next fall, when any one of them could be a freshman at the University of New Hampshire.  We couldn't think of a greater reward than their return to make a difference yet again in the Granite State.

Over the next few days you'll see final posts from each of the interns.  They have a lot of thoughts they want to share before heading off on their next great adventure!

Megan Latour


  1. What a wonderful summation of each individual of the reinforces the positive feeling Samantha returned with and expressed of her experiences shared and time spent with everyone in the group and, by extension, everyone she met and worked with along the way. Thank you to TNC (and New Hampshire!) for providing such a unique opportunity.

    1. Thank you, Mirza! It truly was a pleasure hosting Samantha and the other LEAFers. Thanks for encouraging her to take this opportunity!
