Monday, July 16, 2012

ice cream and advice

At the summit of Mount Washington.
Wink, Sara, Sharon and Samantha in back with Daniela and Jessica in front.

Today the group went up to Mount Washington in a car where we were able to learn much about different sorts of ecological communities.  The view was amazing and it gave me the feeling of peace, almost like a sort of meditation state. New Hampshire seems to have that power over me. I felt the same way at the beach later on in the day, but while we were still up on the summit we had the opportunity to actually meet with the meteorologists. They took us to the highest legal point of New England and showed us their abode, which seemed better fit for superheroes with all these fascinating machines to measure wind speed and such. Everyone there was as usual incredibly sweet and I am so thankful for their time. Now that I mention it, everyone I have met in New Hampshire has been kind. Strangers are willing to help and our mentors Wink and Lisa are the best people you could possibly meet. The people at the hostel we are staying at offer ice cream and advice whenever possible, and most are also traveled people that I just love listening to. One day I hope to go to a hostel just like the one I am now with many great stories of even more mountains and adventures.

A meditation state...

7/13/12 Daniela Escobar

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